Avant Environmental Services, Inc. is starting 2018 with a wonderful list of new projects and clients throughout western Colorado, with projects being completed in Ouray, Grand Junction, Crested Butte, Montrose, and Delta. New clients include property purchasers, a lender, developers, a brew pub, and a hospitality business. Many thanks to Steve Attarian at
Walk To Success Marketing for his diligent work making our website,
AvantEnvironmental.com so much better than it ever has been for our clients and potential clients to use.
We wish all our current and future clients a prosperous new year. Please call or email any time with questions you may have about environmental issues, regulations, or contamination and how that might affect your property.
Edward Baltzer, manager of Avant Environmental Services, Inc. has been conducting environmental assessments in western Colorado and eastern Utah for over 25 years, and can help you answer your environmental questions.
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